Take the Next step.

Let me help your PMO Get Hours Back in Their Day.

Adding AI to your PMO workflow is not about replacing great people; it’s about amplifying their human inputs and outputs.

I’ve helped many PMO teams identify simple yet powerful ways to automate their most time-consuming workflows using AI.

All without disrupting their existing people and processes or adding a bunch of new and expensive tools that your IT department won’t approve anyway.

Automation of tedious and broken processes has always been a passion of mine.

AI has now made it possible to help real PMOs automate their workflows, amplifying their team’s human input.

How Can I Help Your Team Amplify Their inputs?



◉ 1-Hour Consultation
◉ Two 1-Hour Individual
Workshop Sessions
◉ Custom Action Report

Identify & plan


◉ Identify Included

◉ Three 1-Hour AI Implementation Planning Sessions

Identify, Plan, & Execute


◉ Identify & Plan Included

◉ Custom AI Automation for Your Top 3 Business Processes Identified

aI Hype burnout is real.

Cut through the noise and take action To implement AI automation into your workflow.

The tools you use every day are already primed for AI automation.

The seemingly Herculean task is getting your team’s hard work between and through them in a way that amplifies their efforts.